Thursday, December 17, 2009

Monday night we went out to see the lights of Life.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Kate at 11:00p.m. after being a sleep for 3 hours: "Mom help me!"
"Kate what do you need?"
"I just can't figure it out."
"Is 2 + 1 = 3?"
"Yes, Kate it does."
"Ok, good night."
She then fell right back to sleep.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

This dog is our neighbors. Kate loves the Dog.

We had some pictures done this year so that we could do a Christmas card. Right before we left to get them done Kate wanted her picture taken. This is what I got. My baby is not a baby anymore.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Troy and Kate's conversation the other day: Dad, do you know that girl's always get their way. Really? Yes, especially pregnant one's.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Troy Passed his class Monday. He is down to one more 5 week class until he is in DC. I am so proud of him for doing this. I know that it is just started but we have one year down. Troy got the admissions letter that he can go to the DC orientation on Wednesday to get his classes for next quarter. YEAH!!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Here are the pumpkins we carved. They turned out pretty cool for first time pumpkin carvers. They would have been even better had there not have been 3 gallons of rain on them the days prior to Halloween. We had fun though. Kate was Ga Bulldawg cheerleader.

Troy was in charge of FHE last Monday night. He loves M&M's. He uses any excuse to eat them. We played a game where we filled a cup full of flower and then flipped it upside down on a plate. Then we put the M&M on top. We took turns cutting slices out of the foundation until it collapsed. The loser had to eat the M&M our of the flower without using hands. It was lots of fun.

Kate didn't want to put her face in at first.

Pictures are in reverse order.


Ok, here is the scoop. I am pregnant. I am due about May 24. We broke the news to family first with this picture. Kate is really excited. I will be really excited when I am not so sick again.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

feeling left out

I am really feeling left out. We have lived in Georgia for 10 months. Troy has been to two Atlanta Falcons games, and to a Hawks games. The Hawks game, I really did not care too much about because I am not much in to basketball, but the Falcons is another story. For the first Falcons game, Troy's friend called him and said his girlfriend had tickets but they couldn't go, so they asked Troy if he could go. It was the last preseason game but still it was an NFL game.
He got two free tickets so we can both go right? Wrong! I had to teach at enrichment that night. This is another reason not to like enrichment. Troy took one of is other friends.
Last Friday night his friend called that he took to the first game and said he might have tickets for us to go to the Falcons vs Bears. The friend is in the same quarter with a woman whose husband works for the Falcons. He got them some really good seats for free, but he could only got two. I was left at home again. Here are some of the pics.

overall view from the Falcons/Bears game

Pre-kick-off festivities

Matt Ryan on a hand-off

Hester getting ready to return a punt. He is a wicked return man!

The rest of these pics are pre-season action vs. the Ravens

Friday, October 16, 2009

We had a great time at Disney on Ice.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Kate got in to some trouble about 2 week ago. I told her that I did not what to speak to her until she was going to be nice and do what she was supposed to do. Five min later she came and found me this is how it went. Mom. Kate I don't what to talk to you. But mom. No Kate you are still in trouble. But mom I prayed that I would be good and that you would not be mad at me anymore. How do I stay mad at that? Ok Kate won that one.
Troy and I don't sleep with a door closed. The other morning I got up and our door was closed. I went down stairs and got Kate's breakfast ready. Troy came down, I asked him if he shut the door? Troy said no. Kate look at me and said, "I did. Dad was snoring so loud he wok me up. I didn't what to wake you up mom so I shut your door."
I lost my camera. That is going to be my excuse for not blogging, but I found it so we are back in business.

Monday, September 7, 2009

My baby is 4. How time fly's. We had a party for her on Saturday. We really did not think that many people would be in town this weekend. We were wrong. There was 25 people in my little living room to open gifts. We had so much fun. There was people in are house from 11:30 to 4. Then we went to the pool about 6 pm for a community party. Kate loves swimming. Troy promised her he would go swimming with her. I did not think it was warm enough for me but Troy got in. Troy swam for about a half hour before he got out and went home to clean up. Kate swam until 8:30 when we left to come home. We had a really good day. On Sunday we all took a 3 hour nap.