Friday, May 29, 2009

Storm coming in. The clouds are so big.
The rain comes down so hard.

First Day at the pool.

I learned a very good lesson this last week. I have this friend that said that soy milk was really good. She has been using it for about a year and she really likes it so I decide to try it with out telling Troy. We have been going to this new chiropractor who said that there might have some skin problems for the first couple of months we go to him. So when my neck started to break out I thought nothing of it. We went to him the next day and he said it was just toxins trying to get out of my body. This went on for about 1 week and the rash was spreading and itching really bad. Yesterday I had breakfast and me neck stared itching even worse and that got me thinking. I stopped drinking the soy milk and I did not itch as bad today and my rash is starting to go a way ya. Now you all get to see what it looked like.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Kate's new found toy. Rolly-Pollies bugs. I kind of feel bad for them.
It had not rained yet, but it was so muggy that we were all pretty wet when we got to the top.

We went for a mile walk up Kenesaw mountain. It is about 5 miles from our house, and we can see Atlanta from the top of it on a clear day. However it rained today so it was not as visible. We tried to get some good pictures. It was a fun walk.

This is on the way up. Troy saw it first and it made him feel good that he has not lost is ability to find wildlife. A lady passing by said that was the first time she had seen a deer on that mountain, but that really doesn't say much because she would have walked right past it had we not have pointed it out to her.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Kate thinks she needs to be on the top of the highest point in the room
or outside. She thought I could not see her.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Bright and early before the race began, we all met up in a parking lot to get our new shirts. The back of the shirt says "See Momma Run, See Momma Run A Lot, See Momma get Smokin Hot". There were 15,000 people there running the race that morning, which made for a crazy fun run.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

I was trying to get her reflection

We had family pictures taken on Easter
We went to the Atlanta botanical garden on Earth Day. Kate had a lot of fun smelling the flowers.