Saturday, April 3, 2010

Easter pictures or Fishing Trip #3

Kate had to go help her dad every time we changed a dress. The one time I told her that she needed to stay with me she would not give me any good looks. I just gave up. She loves her dad and fishing.

Fishing trip #2

Troy had been asking all week to go fishing again. He asked about Friday. I look on the calendar it looked clear to me. We went to breakfast at the Waffle House because that is Kate's favorite place to go. Then we went up to lake Lanier. It is about 1 hour drive from here. At 9:55 a.m my cell phone rings. It was my work. I was supposed to work at 10:00. I had told the girl that works that shift I would work for her. But I did not write it down so I forgot. I really hate this pregnancy brain. If I don't write it down, I will forget. We got it worked out that I would just change shifts with the girl that does 5:30 shift and she would work the 10:00 shift. So we need to be back so I could go to work by 5:15. Both my kids threw a big fit about that. They got to fish for 4 and 1/2 hours but none of them here happy when it was time to come home. Troy thought I should just tell work that my husband won't let me go. I don't see that going over to well with work. Still no fish on this trip either. Here are some of the pictures.

Fridays Fishing trip

Troy had spring break this week. All he wanted was to go fishing. Friday it was not really nice but he went fishing. Kate loved it. She told me that she could do this all day. They did not get anything but here are the first Fridays fishing trip pictures.

These trees line the road that leads to our house. They are in full bloom and look so pretty.


I really don't like my birthday. I would really like it if you would just skip that day every year. It's not that I hate getting older, I just hate the attention. This year my young woman's leaders took care of that for Troy. They brought cake and sang to me at young woman's. Troy did really good this year he got me a rocking chair for me and the baby. I really love it.

From the day Troy and I got married OK maybe not that long but close, Troy has been asking me to make him home-made cinnamon rolls so I finely did it. Here is the picture of my master piece and they really weren't that hard to make. Don't tell Troy or I might have to hear about making him more.

I really need to get this up-dated. Troy's friend from Germany came and spent the weekend with us the beginning of March. We went down town Atlanta. We had never been to Underground Atlanta. We thought that this would be a good time to go. We went at 10:00 a.m. I am really glad that we did not go any later than that. I will never be going there again.

Then we went to the Coca Cola building. Kate did not like the 4D room. She did like the bear. She thought he was really cool. I thought he was a little creepy but Troy and Vanessa liked him too.

At the end of the tour there is a room that you can taste Coke drinks from all over the world. Kate had so much fun in that room. If you know Troy's family at all, you know that they are Pepsi people. So Kate liking that room didn't jive real well with Troy. As you leave the Coca Cola building they give you a bottle of Coke. Kate had been asking to drink it for days but I told her to ask her dad. Troy did not think she would drink it because it was Coca not Pepsi so he gave it to her. She drank the whole thing. He was not happy about that. He thinks she should only drink Pepsi. Hey, it's carbonated sugar water, what kid wouldn't want it?

Then, Sunday night we took Vanessa on a mile walk up Kenesaw mountain to see the over look. It was not as clear as I would have hoped but it was a nice walk. The next day Troy had to go to class so Kate and I took Vanessa to the airport. The last picture was their good by picture. Kate was very sad to see her go. Kate cried all the way home from the airport. Now every time we take someone to the airport Kate thinks they will not come back. We are working on that.