Tuesday, August 24, 2010


3 months old: Weighs 16 pounds.
He rolled over twice today.
Grandma Deb came over today.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Friday, August 20, 2010


Football season has started in our house. Before bed every night Troy and Kate have to set up one play. They both have so much fun. Today before school we were waiting on Kate's friend. So Kate and Troy went out side and played until she got here. Kate just loves running and jumping up and down yellowing TOUCHDOWN. Kate will go to bed saying "blue 42 hike hike". It's all about the little things. ☺

I did not think Bret looked at all like Kate. Well was I wrong. The other day Troy was holding Bret just like he used to hold Kate. They look just the same. It is so cute.

Bret is so much fun to have around. He has such a personalty. When he laughs it is with is hole body. He is such a happy child.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

I am going Private. So if you want keep up with us send me your e-mail address.
Kate had her first week of school this last week. It has been really good for her. She loves her teacher. She doesn't like the fact that she has to wear a uniform. I love it because I don't have to fight with her about her clothing every day. She is the only white girl in her class. She came home from school on Tuesday and she said "mom we learned about our hair color today. Why am I the only one with blond hair?" Then when she got in the car yesterday she said "yo girl what is up". She makes me laugh. I took her to the chiropractor after school and she was telling him about school and how many friends she has. He asked her if she wanted to be friend with everyone. She said yes, so he asked her about the president of the United States. She said yes, then thought about it and said President Obama? No thank you. I was in the other room so the chiropractor had to come tell me what she had said. He said I love Kate. You never know what is going to come out of her mouth. One of these days she is going to get me in trouble.