Thursday, February 16, 2012

Valentine's day

This year for Valentine's day we made crayons hearts and cup cakes for Kate's class. It was a lot of work but it was fun. Troy got up early so he could make Kate a pancake before he had to go to class. She loved it.

We went out fishing one more time before we had to come back to Atlanta. Troy always ends up wet. I was taking pictures right before we where going to leave and Troy was still dry. I was shocked. 10 minuets later when he got back to the truck he was soaking wet. He had tried to cross the river on a lodge the lodge did not reach all the way a crossed and he went it. I really do love my husband.

We went out fishing with the kids. Troy was fishing still and the kids where done so we went and played on some ice. I asked Bret when his dad was going to be done fishing and this is what I got.

Kate has been asking for Troy to take her out to shot a deer. Will we could not do that. Grandma took Bret for a couple of hours and we took Kate out to my mom's place and shot pop cans. She had so much fun. She is a natural.

The kids love the horses all of them.


Bret is my little monkey. He loves to be up high. This ladder is in the garage at my in-law's. Bret was up it more than once. Troy was putting away Christmas decorations so we let Bret get up there. He was so happy. He climbed up all by him self.


Christmas morning Grandma and Grandpa had church at 9. We did not open gift until we got back from church. Christmas was so nice Grandma and I both got a nap after open gift. The kid looked so cute in there Christmas clothing.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

We finally had some cold weather so we could have some ice. Kate was so cute. She caught the only fish this time we went out.

First trie Ice Fishing

We tried to go ice fishing when we got to Idaho but there was not any ice to be found. We took a drive one day to see if we could find some ice. It was about 7 degrees with a wind chill factor in the negative. It was cold. There still was not enough ice to go fishing on but Ryan and Troy had to go put the poles in the water. The kids got out of the truck for about 5 minuets. I did not get out at all. They did not catch any fish.

We saw a nice buck on the drive home.

Ryan and Bret having fun with my camera.
This year for Christmas Troy and I got tickets to the Atlanta Falcons game. It was my first NFL game. I had a lot of fun. It was more fun "people watching" than the football game. The game was a blow out we were ahead 41 to 7 in the middle of the 3rd. I had a hard time just watching the game. I like to watch it on TV better because that way I have to just look at the game not all the people that where doing dumb things. We had a babysitter for the night so we left the game half way through the 3rd and went to IHOP and had breakfast. It was a really good Christmas gift.

Bret is now riding his horse then jumping off like they do in the rodeo. He has so much fun. If I am not watching he will use me as the pick up man.

We love the NFR in our house. Troy let Bret stay up with him a watch it. Bret is all about riding his house like a bucking horse.

christmas Lights

Every year that we have been in Georgia we have taken the kid or kids to the Lights of Life. It is a bitter sweet to think we only have one more Christmas here. The kids had a lot of fun. After we walk around we let the kids get a BIG marshmallow.